Sunday 16 May 2021

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பிளாக்கர்  துவங்கும் அனைவரது கனவும் கூகிள் விளம்பர ஒப்புதலதான். அதற்க்காக வேலைசெய்யும் நேரத்தைவிட, அட்ஸன்ஸ் அப்ரோவளுக்காக  YouTube Video பார்க்கும் நேரம்தான் ஆதிக்கம்.

AdSense Approval

பொதுவாக இணையத்தில் விளம்பரம் காமித்து சம்பாதிக்க, பல விளம்பரம் வழங்கக்கூடிய தளங்கள் உள்ளன.

The Christ The Redeemer Statue - Rio De Janeiro, Brazi | Uva Media

In November 2010, the people of Świebodzin - a relatively small town about 110km west of Poznań - welcomed a new resident: a giant statue of Jesus Christ, dubbed “Christ the King.” What makes another statue of Christ notable? Well, weighing 400 tonnes and standing 33 metres tall, the new Polish Christ is purported to be the largest statue of Jesus in the world, though the claim has incited debate amongst other imposing Jesuses. Świebodzin’s Christ himself is technically shorter than Rio’s famed Christ the Redeemer statue (30m tall), but factor in his crown (3 metres) and the mound he stands on (another 16 metres) and he easily dwarfs Rio’s Redeemer.

11 Must See Massive Religious Monuments

Throughout history, people of all religions have built monuments, shrines and statues to depict their deities. Sacred places for prayer, some religious monuments stand out as mind-blowing due to their colossal size and amount of sacrifice needed to construct them. From the tallest religious statue in the world depicting a 128-meter Buddha to the oldest one carved out of stone more than 1,000 years ago, these are 11 massive tributes to religious deities that will leave you speechless.

Saturday 15 May 2021

Actions at Mahatma Gandhi Non-violence Statue & Inter-religious Peace & Harmony Monument | Sunfo | Sri Lanka | Uva Media

Mahatma Gandhi Non Violence Statute and Inter Religion Peace and Harmony Unique Monument of 11 Major Religion
  1. Judaism
  2. Buddhist
  3. Baha'i
  4. Christian
  5. Folk
  6. Jain
  7. Tao
  8. Hindu
  9. Sikh
  10. Islam
  11. Shinto