Saturday 15 May 2021

Actions at Mahatma Gandhi Non-violence Statue & Inter-religious Peace & Harmony Monument | Sunfo | Sri Lanka | Uva Media

Mahatma Gandhi Non Violence Statute and Inter Religion Peace and Harmony Unique Monument of 11 Major Religion
  1. Judaism
  2. Buddhist
  3. Baha'i
  4. Christian
  5. Folk
  6. Jain
  7. Tao
  8. Hindu
  9. Sikh
  10. Islam
  11. Shinto
Serious of actions for Interfaith harmony will be conducted  based in Mahatma Gandhi Non-violence Statue & Inter-religious Peace & Harmony Monument , Lunawa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka staring from January26, 2020 to end of February as directed by Peace Ambassador Dr.Deshapriya S. Wijetunge. That includes connecting over 100 religious leaders belongs to different faith of actions   .


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